BMWKD23| Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day 2023
Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day

Blue Mountains
World Kangaroo Day

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we live and work;
and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future.

2023 Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day Event

In 2023, the Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day Event was held in the Ballroom and the Library
of the Carrington Hotel in Katoomba on Tuesday, 24th of October.

The Aims of BMWKD 2023

This Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day Event had four aims

1. it was an educational seminar that informed the public of the
Cruelty inflicted on our national icon and found ways of protecting them.

2. it was also a celebration of the magnificence of these highly evolved sentient beings.

3. it was a chance for us to show our support of unpaid rescuers and carers of kangaroos.

4. it was also an opportunity to consider strategy
and to decide where to focus our energy in order to save our precious kangaroos from annihilation.

These aims fit very well into the overall theme of WORLD KANGAROO DAY which was COEXISTENCE
"The growing consensus among experts worldwide is that
our health and the health of our natural world are inextricably connected.
Kangaroos have inhabited Australia for over 20 million years
and have always been an integral part of our unique Australian ecosystems.
Unlike the farm animals introduced during European settlement 200 years ago,
Kangaroos have co-evolved with Australian flora and fauna and as native herbivores,
they play a crucial role as native herbivores and ecosystem engineers."

What happened in BMWKD 2023... Ballroom

In the Carrington Ballroom, there were talks, discussion, practice and Q & A over five sessions from 10am to 10pm.
The Ballroom program covered topics like the stories of Rescuers & Carers; Mental & Emotional Health;
First Nations People, Country and Kangaroos; Connection to Kangaroos
Political Position of our National Icon and ways to get kangaroos full protection;

The Ballroom Event had a nominal entry fee with a half price Concession.
All money from ticket sales in the Ballroom Program is going directly to Monty’s Rest Wildlife Refuge near Oberon.

What happened in BMWKD 2023... Library

In the Carrington Library, there were four Screenings of the award winning documentary
Kangaroo A Love Hate Story followed by Q & A.
The first two screening were for Year 10 to 12 high school students
and the last two screening were for the Public.
All Library sessions are free of charge.

Rescuers & Carers of Kangaroos

This Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Event is being organised
by Kangaroo Advocates and assisted by local Kangaroo Rescuers and Carers.

All costs are paid by the organisers of BMWKD.
We also have some sponsors who have contributed to the success of the Day.

All of our native wildlife Rescuers and Carers are the heroes and heroines of our time.
They are on call and work often 24-7.
They are not paid for this most valuable and essential work.
Most of the resources that they need to do the rescuing & caring,
they have to obtain using their own - often limited - financial resources.
Some Rescuers and Carers have lost everything because of this excessive financial and emotional burden.

The Government and non-Government agencies are not distributing the millions of dollars,
(that they receive annually and that is intended to be spent on looking after our wildlife)
down to the rescuers and carers who do the actual work.
We are determined to change that.

Program of what happened... the BALLROOM

Overall Welcome was Welcome to the Event and Welcome to Country

Session 1 was Stories of Kangaroo Rescuers and Carers by rescuers and carers John, Greg, Tracy and Mark

Session 2 was how to use Counselling & Spiritual Practise to keep going with speakers - Frances of WildTalk and Dr Kleinert (Sriyantra).

Session 3 concerns the connection between Kangaroos, Country and First Nation People with honoured Aboriginal Leader, Graham Davis King.

Session 4 was about the Joy of Connecting to Kangaroos by Greg and Tracy. Melinda's launched her second children's book.

Session 5 covered the gains obtained since the 2021 NSW Inquiry to help us to decide what needed to happens next.. the LIBRARY

Sessions 1 and 2 were two screenings of the Kangaroo A Love Hate Story documentary film for Year 10 to 12 high school students

Sessions 3 and 4 were two screenings of the Kangaroo A Love Hate Story documentary film for the Public

2023 B.M.W.K.D. EVENTS

On World Kangaroo Day, at the Blue Mountains Events, we heard about and experienced ...

  • the joys and heartbreak of being a rescuer and carer of Kangaroos and what we can do to help when we come across injured wildlife.

  • how to cope with the tragedy and extent of cruelty and insensitivity inflicted on our wildlife and what we can do to keep our energy and our spirits high.

  • the spiritual connection between our First Nations People (FNP) and Kangaroos and the strong connection of FNP and Kangaroos to COUNTRY.

  • the JOY of connecting to Kangaroos and seeing the interactions of these ancient, highly evolved and sentient creatures.

  • the political environment that exploits our Kangaroos and how we can change it.


Session 4 in the Ballroom Event had a Book Launch of a Children's book about a rescued Kangaroo, Vinnie.
The author is Melinda Kerr who was available to sign her book.

All day, amateur photographer and kangaroo advocate, Tina Hollis, had her photos of kangaroos on display and for sale during the breaks.

All day, vegan food and drink was provided free of charge.

There were Donation Boxes for
Monty's Rest Wildlife Refuge,
West Blue Mountains Kangaroo Santcuary
Warrumbungle Wildlife Shelter in strategic locations.

All money collected from ticket sales to this event went to Rescuer & Carer at Monty's Rest. All expenses were paid by Organisers.

Speakers who spoke on the Day

Greg Keightley is a registered wildlife carer and rescuer with many years experience in the rehabilitation of Kangaroos.

Graham Davis King is an Aboriginal leader with a great affinity with Kangaroos.

Tracy Dods and Melinda Kerr are registered and experienced wildlife carers.

Mark Selmes was a Kangaroo Carer. Getting no support at all, he had to give it up and became the infamous Cranky Koala.

Frances Carleton is a Counsellor and Psychotherapist and Founder of WildTalk - a Wildlife Carer Conselling Service.

Dr Veronica Kleinert (Sri Yantra) was a Counsellor and Linguist and now focuses on Meditation and Energy work.

Associate Professor David Brooks is a Professor at University of Sydney in Australian literature and a Poet.

Mark Pearson is a former MP and member of the Animal Justice Party.

Clare Galea is a Biostatistician .

Louise Ward is the NSW State Director of the Animal Justice Party.

Elizabeth Ellis is an Honorary Senior Fellow in Animal Law at the University of Woolongong.