Rescue & Care | Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day
Blue Mountains World Kangaroo Day

Blue Mountains
World Kangaroo Day

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we live and work; and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future.

Kangaroo Rescue and Care

Who is supposed to look after our wildlife?

The Government Agency - NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) - operates under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
and the Government Department - Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DoCCEEW)
- operates under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The NPWS ACT states in section 12 - Powers and functions of Service that ...
"The Service is to carry out such works and activities as the Minister may direct, either generally or in a particular case, in relation to the conservation and protection of wildlife (including threatened species, populations and ecological communities, and their habitats)." Similiar directives are also found in sections 45, 56, 68 and 70.

The home page of NPWS NSW appears as if they are travel agents, for humans of course, who want to generate more business opportunities for themselves.
One tab, 'Conservation & Heritage', looks promising maybe they talk about how they protect native wildlife here.

At the bottom of the 'Conservation & Heritage' is a picture of a beautiful King Parrot with the words 'Native Plant & Animal Licencing'.
The 'Find out more' button brings up an the statement..."You need a licence to keep native animals as pets or trade them."

The 'Native wildlife licensing' link shows more questionable Conservation activities like...
The 'Manage Kangaroo Populations' links to DoCCEEW website and shows...
"Licences to harm kangaroos or Kangaroo Management as a prominent entry."

The DoCCEEW Kangaroo Management statement implies that...
1. Kangaroo Management is a Conservation Activity
2. Kangaroo populations need to be managed by us.
It is not CONSERVATION to eliminate a keystone bush regenerating species like the KANGAROO from the landscape.
Kangaroos manage their own breeding very effectively no human interference required.
HUMAN BREEDING however is completely out of control.


The NPWS Kangaroo Management statement says that...
The DoCCEEW aims to get a balance between Conserving all Macropod species and...
1. managing damage caused to privately owned land
2. Environmental Sustainability.
It is not soft pawed Keystone Macropod species who cause damage to the land.
It is Colonial orientated human beings and their imported hard hooved stock animals
who have always been the destroyers of the natural world - land, air and water.
You don't achieve Environmental Sustainability by eliminating the keystone species that has been Australia's Environmental Engineer for over 20 million years.
Industry capture of prominent people in NPWS and DoCCEEW are allowing and encouraging the elimination/slaughter of our Kangaroos
which is contrary to every concept of Conservation and Sustainability in this country.

NPWS and DoCCEEW are allowing...

the largest annual slaughter of land based wildlife on the planet,
the numbers of kangaroo to dwindle so that there are local extinctions and
the mob structure to be fractured and ultimately consist of mainly juvenile kangaroos

This is in direct violation of the implied duty of care embedded in the ACTs that they work under.

Both Kangaroo Management statements imply that 'Kangaroo populations need to be managed by us'.



Female Kangaroo has to lie level and still with birth canal exposed so embryo can make the journey from the birth canal to the pouch.

Kangaroos manage their own birthrates;
when food & water resources are low; they don't breed at all or if already born then 100% of the joeys will die.
The only reason that 'it is an offence to harm kangaroos without a license' loophole exists is so that the influential Commercial Kangaroo KILLING Industry
can slaughter many millions of our precious Kangaroos for profit and with no accountability.


Yuin Declaration for Kangaroos - Article 1 says
"The kangaroo has inhabited the Australian continent for over 20 million years, living in peace and ecological harmony.
The kangaroo co-exits today as they have for millenniums, in balance with the flora fauna and livings being of this land.
This ancient iconic native animal, therefore claims sovereign rights above and beyond any human claims of dominion over them.
Today we declare, from this day forward, all kangaroos shall be justly protected from all harms caused by human abuse and exploitation.
We vow to hold governments and their citizenry accountable for any breaches of this sovereignty.

The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 also states in section 12 that ...
"The Service is to carry out such works and activities as the Minister may direct, either generally or in a particular case,
in relation to the conservation and protection of land reserved under this Act ...".

Despite this mandate NPWS put out 1080 poison into our National Parks (to supposedly kill dogs and foxes)
that kills native animals as it gets on the plants, into the soil and into the water table and water sources.

The About-us page of the website of the non Government Agency - Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation (WIRES) - says...
"Every year WIRES train hundreds of new volunteers in wildlife rescue and care
and we are dedicated to the ongoing recruitment of new volunteers
and the ongoing training of existing volunteers."

The fatal flaw in WIRES' intension of the using volunteers to do the essential job of rescue and care of our native wildlife
is that those volunteers have to be independently wealthy (i.e. not need to work for a living) or they struggle to survive day to day.

As John of Monty's Rest says in the NRMA magazine article:...
"Sandra and I live in a caravan on the refuge, which is almost entirely self-funded through our pension money....
Help is so important. And when we get it, we really appreciate it.
Last year I had to treat the animals on army stretchers outside in the compound.
This year I’ve almost finished building a hospital with a treatment room in a 6m x 10m shed."

Our native wildlife Rescuers and Carers are the heros and heroines of our time.
They are on call and often work 24-7.
They often struggle to make ends meet.
They have no relief crew to step in and look after the babies and injured animals when they need a break.

As Tan of Warrumbungle Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation says...
"I know I said I was slowing down. Animals though, keep coming in with nowhere else to go.
The animals already here will still be here for another 18 months before they are old enough to release.
They still need feed and formula for all that time. So even if I stopped rescuing right now, I still have 18 months at least to feed and care for these babies.
I have health issues I need to address. The closest medical is 50ks away. 100km round trip. It's time consuming just to see a doctor.
If I have lots of joeys in care I literally haven't time between feeds to get there and home again, hence why I need to take less babies.
It seems it will take a while longer before that happens!!"

The current rescuers and carers have extensive expertise with native animals, far surpassing most veterinary doctors and nurses.
According to the WIRES FY23 impact report document, it is and has been getting huge grants from
the government, corporate sponsors and individuals through donation and legacies.
The problem is that that money is staying at the top level of management
and not filtering through to the overworked and unpaid rescuers and carers who are doing all the work.

THE SOLUTION is that whether the Rescuers/Carers work through WIRES or not;
these exceptional and experienced people need to be give a significant grant each year to cover...
1. their cost of living bills,
2. a suitable residence to live in comfortably,
3. much needed infrastructure like hospital facilities,
4. medications, food and bedding for the animals.
5. vehicle, tools and its expenses for rescues
6. money to pay suitably qualified/experienced rescuers and carers who can given the primary Rescuers/Carers a break
7. time and money to allow Rescuers and Carers to get together to share practise of care for the animals in their charge.